The Bill of Rights: leave it or trash it?

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Companies
The award for biggest manipulator goes to...the United States government! That is right; America's government has become quite skilled at manipulating its citizens using the Bill of Rights. Due to this, the government is currently allowing criminals to reside in their homes, and not in prison. Also, the American citizens are being put at risk as a result of the government deciding that it is acceptable for those criminals to own a gun. Furthermore, …

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…Then on top of that, those criminals are allowed to own guns. Also, the United States has been notorious for completely disregarding Amendments, such as the sixth, to better accommodate their time. When added together, all of these contradictions call for an abolishment of the United States Bill of Rights. If the United States of America would like to succeed in the future, then they should fix the problems they could have solved years ago.