"The Best Little Girl in the World." By Steven Levenkron

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Levenkron, Steven. The Best Little Girl in the World. New York: Warner Books, 1997. ISBN #: 0-446-35865-7 Summary: The story begins with a little girl named Francesca, who wanted to become a professional ballerina. Her older brother and sister always get the attention because her brother is a smart lawyer and her sister is a complete rebel, so of course she never gets any attention or love from her parents. It all starts off when …

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…or bulimic because it can really mess up your body and almost die. Recommendation: I would recommend this book to anyone! This has to be one of the best books out there for teens. Also, it teaches you a lot about your body, your mind and how you need to keep yourself healthy. Any female teen should read this book, in the end you will love it and you will learn a lot about yourself.