The Berlin Wall: A Catalyst for Change.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
At the end of World War II Germany and the City of Berlin were divided into four sectors. The largest sector of East Germany and East Berlin were controlled by the Soviet Union. The United States, Britain and France all controlled a portion in West Germany and West Berlin. The Potsdam Conference in the summer of 1945 was a meeting between the leaders of the victorious allies (Truman, Stalin, and Churchill) whose primary goals included the …

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…won. Once the Soviet Union collapsed the world was forced to orient itself to capitalism. Capitalism became the remaining economic system to join. In conclusion the fall of the Berlin triggered the destruction of the Soviet Union because it clearly separated and then indicated which systems worked best. Once Eastern Europe saw the successful slip from the Soviet Union in Germany they aggressively followed suit. This caused a chain reaction that eventually collapsed the USSR.