The Berger Report;referenced: Thomas Berger, the inquiry, 1970's vs.present
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Essay Database > Social Sciences
<Tab/><Tab/><Tab/><Tab/><Tab/>THE BERGER REPORT
Before the Berger Inquiry
Oil and gas has been part of the economy and Canadian arctic for
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their land claims with the Canadian government and that action has been forced on them by the federal government. A chief representative says, "We are simply asking the court to recognize our right to have a say in this project....we could not just sit and watch as other people made the decisions on what is best for us." ( <Tab/> <Tab/>
their land claims with the Canadian government and that action has been forced on them by the federal government. A chief representative says, "We are simply asking the court to recognize our right to have a say in this project....we could not just sit and watch as other people made the decisions on what is best for us." ( <Tab/> <Tab/>