The Beatles vs Oasis

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
The Beatles v.s. Oasis Oasis is a band of the nineties that is often compared The Beatles. They try to be like The Beatles only to do it unsuccessfully. The lead singer of Oasis, Liam Galagher tries to be like the lead singer of The Beatles, John Lennon. The way Liam Galagher sounds, and the way he writes his music are very similar. The New York Times Magazine said, "Oasis's second album "(What's the …

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…them than they will be just as popular, but that isn't how it works. They should just be themselves, and not try to live off another bands popularity. I have shown many ways that Oasis tries to be like The Beatles. They try to write songs the way The Beatles did. They cut and do their hair how The Beatles did. They try to sound like The Beatles, but do it unsuccessfully. Bibliography n/a