The Beatles Impact on the Worl

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
Why the Notion that the Beatles Changed the World is a Misconception The Beatles had a minimal effect on the world's course of events. They jumped on the hippie bandwagon at the perfect time to capitalize from it. Their fame did not reach as far nor did not unify as much as some people would think and they are merely an icon through which baby-boomers reminisce about the "good old days". The Beatles are credited …

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…and other events associated with the Beatles. To say otherwise is a discrediting thing to say about the leaders in each field. The fame of the Beatles is overblown. To say that they are bigger than the Lord is not only blasphemous but also an outright lie. The only fame they receive from the media today is because the media is doing what the Beatles did over thirty years ago--selling emotions to a large demographic.