The Beatles- Member's History

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Band Member's Profiles John Lennon was born on October 9th, 1940, in Liverpool England. Throughout his life, Lennon always had an interest in performing in front of people. He liked to sing and write lyrics even as a young boy. Lennon's major musical influence was Elvis Presley, which gave him a profound effect on his performance on stage and helped him develop his technique for performing. The instruments that were played by John Lennon were mainly …

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…in music by his stepfather who bought him a second hand drum kit. Starr instantly showed promise of becoming a great musician. Starr's greatest influence was his love for playing the drums. He never really admired any artists. Later on, in 1962, Ringo Starr joined the Beatles; he changed his name from Richard Storkey to Ringo Starr, to make himself sound more interesting. His amazing abilities for playing the drums helped lead the Beatles to fame.