The Bay of Pigs 2

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Essay Database > History
Almost every nation has been through an event or taken an action that has injured its international image and prestige, an event in which it was universally and domestically embarrassed. For America, this was the Bay of Pigs. Theodore Draper called it, " One of the most rare events in history- a perfect failure". ( qtd. in Kornbluh, pg. 2) Even president John F. Kennedy described it as " The worst experience of my life" (qtd. in Korbluh,pg.3).…

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…can often be challenged and defeated. Works Cited 1. Kornbluh, Peter, ed. Bay of Pigs declassified. New York: The New Press, 1998. 2. Kurland, Gerald. The Bay of Pigs Invasion. Events of Our Time Ser. 18. Charlotteville: SamHar Press, 1974. 3. May, Ernst R. ed. & Zelikow, Philip D. ed. The Kennedy Tapes . Cambridge: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1997. 4. Schlesinger, Arthur.1000 Days. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1965. 5. Wyden, Peter. Bay of Pigs; The Untold Story. New York: Simon and Shuster , numbers