The Battle of "Gettysburg"

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"Gettysburg" is a movie of great historical accuracy. The movie mostly takes place from July 1st 1863 to July 3rd 1863, which was the third summer of the war. It also sets the scene of the war in that it tells of both sides' reasons for fighting. The Confederates want a stronger state government and felt that it was right to succeed from the Union. The Union, on the other hand, wants to preserve itself as one …

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…Union line and harassed the 20th Maine in reserve. Longstreet knew the charge would fail horribly and only nodded his head in misery when Picket asked eagerly to advance his men and prepare to charge. Longstreet was right, and the Confederates where decimated. They lost three Commanders, including Armistead, and most of the troops that went to fight. This was Lee's mistaking thought that his men were invincible. Lastly, this was the war's turning point.