The Balcony - Act 2 Scene 2

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
The Balcony - Act 2 Scene 2 Juliet appears at a balcony at the back of her house and speaks of her love for Romeo. Romeo, as he is leaving the Capulet's party, he cannot withdraw his feelings for his newfound love and has no choice but to go back to the Capulet residence to try and confront Juliet. This is the second of the love scenes, and as you go through the play they all have …

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…the edge of the pool, she stops and hesitates a little before kissing Romeo because she is still weary of the dangers that may arouse. The couple exchange vows and the romantic music from the ballroom scene crops up again, before the nurse calls on Juliet. They embrace once again and Romeo hesitantly leaves. There is a lot of passion in this scene and we get a better feel that the two are in love.