"The Baby Party" by F. Scott Fitzgerald and "Regarding the Problem of Newborn Piglets in Winter" by Chen Rong.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In the story "The Baby Party" by F. Scott Fitzgerald and "Regarding the Problem of Newborn Piglets in Winter" by Chen Rong, both authors try to convey a message of "much ado about nothing." Characters in both stories focus on an issue or problem that is not important, which ends up bringing them more troubles. In "Regarding the Problem of Newborn Piglets in Winter," the problem is formed by Zhang Dingfan, the Secretary. He just …

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…Scott Fitzgerald, on the other hand, in "The Baby Party" mainly expresses his view through the two families, the Andros and the Markey. The author adds in the "much ado" through the big arguments and the pointless fight. Although these two stories are constructed in different ways, they both let the readers finish with a sense of agreement that all the things the characters have done or all the troubles they have experienced are meaningless.