The Baby Boom Generation

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Essay Database > History
The Baby Boom Generation There is a group of people that now have power in America. They have the power to influence lawmakers, manufacturers, medicine, big businesses, and even political elections. These people are known as the Baby Boomers. The Baby Boom generation has had a dramatic effect on America. The Baby Boom generation began in 1946 and ended in 1964. During this era, 76 million babies were born. World War II ended in 1945, and battle weary soldiers …

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…robotics, but they may be used more effectively in the future. The possible problems and solutions for the future of the baby boomers is something that should be dealt with now. Baby boomers now hold political offices, teach schools, and run business and industry. They have the power to create and enforce laws. Having a workable plan in place when the need arises will eliminate stress for both Baby Boomers and the generations that follow.