The BNP, Worry For The Future

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Essay Database > Law & Government
As the BNP start to make gains in Burnley and Blackburn should we start to think about what they really stand for. Here are their stances on basic issues: Immigration- Time to say no Europe- Back to British independence Economy - British workers first Foreign aid - Time to spend money on ourselves Pensions - Pensioners before Asylum seeker Foreign affairs - Britain's interests first There view on immigration is a very radical one, they …

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…loss of most trading with the mainland Europe, people will die because of their negligence of 3rd world countries and due to the fact that they're happy to stand by while people live under the rule of cruel dictators. They say that they will always put Britain's interests first but what will actually happen is that they will just cripple the economy and will turn us into international enemies. Is that really what you want?