The Australian Language

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
<Tab/>Australia is definitely a far off land away from almost any other land in the world. Because of this, you would think the "land from down under" would be considered a whole new world to us; but in fact, there isn't a whole lot different about this country (or continent, you could say also). Australia has the same beliefs we do (Italia 22), celebrate holidays that we celebrate (Italia 35), compete in …

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…each other without the authorities, who were keeping watch on them, understand what they were saying, or even talking about. (Jeans, D. N. <Tab/>Australia's varieties of languages are very interesting and innovating, however for some, the origins are even more breathtaking to acknowledge. Knowing the complicacy of this language not only makes you think, but assures anyone that "The Crocodile Hunter" is not the only thing interesting about this country.