The Australian Experience in the Vietnam War.

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Essay Database > History > World History
Between 1962 and 1972, Vietnam was the battleground for Australia's largest war commitment to date. No other issue in Australian society has seen as much controversy for so long as the question and wisdom of the Australian involvement in the Vietnam War. During this ten-year period, many protest movements arose and questioned this involvement and the suffering it was causing, not only on Australians but also on the local Vietnamese. An end to Australian involvement was demanded …

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…direction and lacked this sense of direction for its entire duration. When people reflect back onto the Vietnam War, they begin to question the support that was given to the US government and they ask themselves, 'Was Australia's involvement really necessary?' The protests of the time show that some people were ahead with this thinking and could see what the government could not, that Australia should never have gotten involved in the Vietnam War.