The Atmosphere.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
(Question #1) When atmospheric scientists describe the "weather" at a particular time and place or the "climate" of a particular region, they describe the same sort of characteristics: air temperature, type and amount of cloudiness, type and amount of precipitation, air pressure, and wind speed and direction. Weather is the current atmospheric conditions that include temperature, rainfall, wind, and humidity at any given place. If you stand outside, you can tell how hot it is by …

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…Mars can be as high as 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 C) at the equator and as low as -185 degrees Fahrenheit (-120 C) at the poles. Carbon-based life forms could survive at the warmer temperatures (given oxygen and other necessities) but the water in our cells freezes at 0 C, and maintaining our body heat would be challenging in even the warmest areas. We would have to really focus on staying warm at night and during the winters.