The Assissination of Robert F. Kennedy

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Robert F. Kennedy was almost involved in the first presidential election to have two brothers, at different period in time, elected president of the U.S. Ever since the Kennedy brothers were little their father, Joseph P. Kennedy, taught them to only concentrate on the political campaigns. The Kennedy family's only concern was politics nothing else mattered more. Robert was the next president to be elected until he was murdered in June of 1968. Robert F. …

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…M., over twenty-five hours after he had been shot Senator Robert Francis Kennedy died at 1:44 A.M. June 6 1968 (45). A twenty-one-car railroad train carried the senator and his family and friends 226 miles south to the nation's capital (47). At 11:00 P.M., Bobby was placed to rest near the grave of his brother in Arlington National Cemetery (Klaber and Melanson 215). The years after Robert Kennedy's death were a dark and turbulent time in the United States (220). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**