The Aristocracy & Government

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Throughout history, the aristocracy has dominated many forms of government. More money has always meant more power and control over the common man, who worked and toiled to gain a place in the aristocratic society. But what determined who was of the upper class and who wallowed in the working class? If you owned land, you probably owned people, chained to the land by debt. Those that owned the land were royalty, knights and dukes …

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…decision on looks, wit or charm? If smooth talkers are given responsibility before the experts, the world might become an aesthetically pleasing place to live, but it would be a Dark Age for advancement of the human race. Without any need to outdo peers and coworkers, people have no motivation. Class differences in every aspect of human life may be the only true motivation for this species' accomplishments, thus far and well into the future.