The Archeology Enthusiast

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Essay Database > History
The Archeology Enthusiast As sweat dripped down my nose and mixed with the dirt, I yelled, "I found glass!" Glass is considered a rare find, and upon hearing my announcement the excavation team stopped digging. Later, as I sat under the overhang on the laboratory roof patiently brushing dirt off a pottery shard and reconstructing a pot from the shard, I realized that archeology parallels the process of producing a paper, piece by piece and …

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…research on stacks of note-cards or compiling data on dealers, art magazines and the like, I like discovering and embracing a subject, learning about it in depth, and then applying what I have learned through school, work, and travel. Law requires a constant commitment to learning new precedents and digging deeper. Law will allow me to find the pottery shard, analyze its location and markings, discover its purpose, reconstruct the pot, and complete the puzzle.