The Arab-Isralie conflict

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Military
The six days in June The fighting started in June 1967. The small country of Israel, less than 2.5 million people, took over land double its size. The first thing they did was shutting down the strait of Tiran. On June 5 Egypt was taken. The Egyptian airforce was destroyed in 3 hours. Then they marched through Egypt until he captured the Suez Canal. Soon Israel also took Jerusalem ,Judea and Samaria. Within six days the Israelis also took …

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…that is a main reason. Arafat'shas not done what he has been elected to do and his people don't seem to get that. He is preoccupied with him self and he has put Palestine on the back burner. All he really cares about is his money and nothing else. This is a big problem in this conflict and something has to be done. Or they will never agree on a plan and boundaries and peace.