The Anglosaxons, William the conqueror and the celts)

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Essay Database > History > European History
The Anglo-Saxons were the first to be known as English. They arrived in AD 499, after the Romans left. They came from the very powerful Germanic tribes: The Saxons (Denmark), the Anglos (Northern Germany) and the Jutes. One of the important figures of the Anglo-Saxons period is William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy, and King of England in 1035. Also the Celts played a great influence in their way of life. They followed the rules from the …

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…ave of Anglo-Saxon King. The burial, one of the richest Germanic burials found in Europe contained a ship fully equipped for the afterlife and threw light on the wealth and contacts of early Anglo-Saxons kings; its discovery, in 1939, was unusual because ship burial was rare in England. The Sutton Hoo ship displays both master craftsmanship and major technical innovations. In the burial site there were 41 items of solid gold, now held in the British Museum