The Andean View... what is to come..prediciting the future using Andean terms

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
...LIFE WILL BE ABUNDANT AND UPLIFTING FOR ALL OF MANKIND.... The Andean View ...." I have been researching and gathering the prophecies over the last twelve years. This is difficult because there are no written records, only the oral tradition. The prophecies speak directly to this time period in history as a time of transformation, what is called in the Andean language taripay pacha. Literally it means the 'age of meeting ourselves again,' but it …

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…If we can truly learn to live ayni--sacred reciprocity--and to share all of our accumulated knowledge without fear of each other, then we can discover our wholeness, like putting together pieces of a puzzle that make up our human family. It is up to the people of the earth, us, to maximize this critical period in order to brig in the taripay pacha. We must not waste this opportunity!..... Source : Book: "Initiation" by Elizabeth Jenkins