The Ancient Maya

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Essay Database > History
Fill in Your Name! The Ancient Maya By English The Ancient Mayans By Hi, my name is , and this is my school report on Mayans. For as long as I have known about them Mayans have held a special interest to me. Questions like, When did they start on their civilization? Or why are they no longer around? And how is it that they are so much like Egyptians when they live thousands of miles …

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…that I think we can learn a lot from. Even today the Mayan culture still goes on with the descendants of the Maya, who still carry out most of their traditions. Bibliography Colombian Encyclopedia 6th edition Pg. 213-214 1997 John Perritano Maya Quest June 22nd 1998 March 28th, 2002 Perritanano, John Current science 1/19/99 Vol.85, issue 6, p8, 2p, 1c The Maya in Time 1997 3p.g March 28th, 2002 New York City The Mysterious Maya 1996 04/10/02