"The Amish Farmer" by Bourjaly.

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Essay Database > Literature
"The Amish Farmer" is a powerful tale that expresses the importance of point of view. Just as the plaintiff and defendant's testimonies create new perspectives to a court case, the narrator brings new meaning to his story with his point of view. The narrator of "The Amish Farmer", Vance, is a conflicted narrator. Although his point of view seems emotionally unattached and he refers to himself merely as the "raconteur" of the story, the narrator …

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…child whose parents had divorced due to adultery, that reader might have felt anger toward Dawn and Daniel, and considered Noel as an innocent victim. On the other hand, had "The Amish Farmer" been read by a reader who could relate to Dawn's feelings of loneliness and isolation, then her sympathies would have gone to Dawn. Point of view is a vitally important concept, for meanings are very much in the eye of the beholder.