The Americanization of Anglican Colonies.

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
Between the settlement at Jamestown in 1607 and the Treaty of Paris in 1763, the most important change that occurred in the colonies was the extension of British ideals far beyond the practice in England itself. Changes in religion, economics, politics and social structures illustrated this Americanization of transplanted Europeans. By 1763, although some colonies still maintained established churches, other colonies had accomplished a virtual revolution for religious toleration and separation of church and state. As new immigrants …

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…said that unlike the well defined and hereditary classes that were present in England, were not present in the colonies. Colonial social structure enabled any white man to have the opportunity to get powerful and wealthy. Therefore it is very evident that colonial America extended all the ideas past on to them by England, to revolutionize the way they saw religion, economics, politics, and even social structure. These changes exemplified the Americanization of resettled Europeans.