The American/Vietnamese War

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Essay Database > History
The American/Vietnamese War By Kelly Reynolds, Year 12 Despite the defeat of the French in 1954 by the Viet Minh, America was still confident that they could win the America/Vietnam war. During this time Americans believed that America was the protector of the "free" world and it was their duty to contain communism. To add to this was the Domino Theory, which was introduced by Eisenhower during his presidency. This was the unshakable belief that …

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…economic value. This goes to show the total waste of human lives on the America/Vietnam War. Like other momentous decisions in history, the decision for American intervention in Vietnam was taken in the heat of the moment (Ward, Harriet; 1985; Page 106). Over confidence and fear of communism sparked America's endeavour to contain communism. However, when the war backfired, America's main goal changed to the restoration of American prestige and credibility, rather than freeing South Vietnam.