"The American dream" and it's troubles.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The American dream can be interpreted by people in a number of ways. However a person interprets this dream, their desires are based on a few key aspects that are the foundations of this country. These characteristics are power, freedom, and happiness. Looking back on history, our country has gone through changes when certain aspects of this dream were more important than others. Stegner states that when people followed this dream, they ended up in …

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…to be a very competitive nation in which happiness is marked by consumption. Stegner once again proves his point that while people wish for the American dream, happiness, success and power, they encounter disasters. The worst disaster that a person could encounter is loss of morals and the illusion that dreams are reality. However crazy this may sound, this is the idea that people continue to live by and in conclusion call the American dream.