The American Revolution

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Essay Database > History
***Note: I wrote this in preparation for an in class essay I had to write. The point of the essay was to include all the facts we learned in class and fit it into one page. That's why there's no intro, conclusion, what have you. However, this "essay" can be used for its informative value, and I hope it helps. Before the American Revolution, the policy of mercantilism was practiced by Great Britain. The American …

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…in Saratoga in 1777, where the colonists defeated a British attempt to divide the colonies. It was because of this victory, the French joined the war on the side of the colonists. During the Battle of Yorktown, which took place in Virginia in 1781, the British surrendered to colonial forces. The Treaty of Paris was signed in 1783, which granted the United States independence, and the USA gained all the territory east of the Mississippi River, excluding Florida.