The American Religion: consumerism. A look at the study of religion in the field of anthropology by showing how consumerism today has, in fact, become a religion.

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The American Religion: consumerism "An anthropological approach to religion involves seeing how symbols, myths, rituals, ethics, and experiences of 'the sacred' operate within, and are produced by, society". It is my argument that through the study of religion and symbolism the one religion, which is prominent in the US more than any other, is Consumerism. Defining what constitutes a religion is a difficult, if not an impossible quest. However, before determining whether or not certain …

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…nton (ed.), Anthropological Approaches to the Study of Religion. ASA Monographs 3. London: Tavistock, pg 4. (originally published 1966; reprineted in C. Geertz, (1993) The interpretation of Cultures. London and New York: Cassell.) As in Fiona Bowie, "The Anthropology of Religion" Blackwell Publishers, Oxford. 2000. Asad, Talal (1998) Remarks on the anthropology of the body. In Sarah Coakely (ed), Religion and the Body. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 42-52. As in Fiona Bowie, "The Anthropology of Religion" Blackwell Publishers, Oxford. 2000. Pg 88