The American Flag and its Growing Controversy

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
The American Flag and its Growing Controversy Step 1: Details The American flag, to many, is the symbol of life and liberty. Freedom from oppression and the ability to run one's own life with minimal government intervention is what our country fought for all those years ago. The day after the SpanishAmerican War was declared, schools mandated the worship of the flag (Kaminer). So, when the issue of burning our great flag arises, everyone should be …

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…indefinitely. I believe that the Supreme Court was fair in deciding that burning a flag is protected under our first amendment rights because it shows how great a democracy America really is. If the government starts taking away some rights, who is to say that they will not take away others. That is another fact Americans need to take to heart before they decide which course of action is right or wrong, ethical or immoral.