The American Dream is Alive and Well.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The American Dream is Alive and Well It is part of the ethos of this country that you ought to be rich. You ought to be, unless you have taken some specific vow of poverty such as priesthood, scholarship, teaching, or civil service, because money is the way we keep score. This feeling has been a long time in the making. It goes away sometimes in depressions, when briefly wealth becomes suspect and poverty is …

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…Park, 2002. Yahoo Education. Home Page. 2002. <> The Stanford Education Program. Home Page. 27 Mar. 2002. <> U.S. Census Bureau. Home Page. 13 Dec. 2000. <> The Condition of Education 1997, Indicator 34. Home Page. 2002. National Center for Education Statistics. <>