The American Dream in Death of a Salesman

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One of the main themes in the play Death of a Salesman is the American Dream. The philosophy of the American Dream originated in the early twentieth century when many immigrants came to America in search of economic opportunities and a better life. The protagonist, Willy thinks that to achieve the American Dream, one needs to be likeable and have a good personality. In reality, the keys to success in America are hard work and …

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…in the blue, riding on a smile and a shoeshine. And when they stop smiling back,- that's an earthquake. ... A salesman is got to dream boy. It comes with the territory." (138). Charley knows that the job of a salesman is hard, and that after much time and failure, his smile and his shoeshine fade. In this play, the American Dream is seen as the antagonist because it leads to Willy's deterioration, insanity, and destruction.