The American Dream as portrayed in "Great Gatsby", by F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
The American dream is interwoven and deeply embedded in every fabric of American life. It has also been the focal point of many novels in American literature. This dream, as seen in "The Great Gatsby", is associated with rugged individualism, generous enthusiasm and idealism in the pursuit of success. Dating back to our puritan heritage, the idea that hard work, following the rules, and "being good" has attracted many immigrants to our shores... but for …

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…change. Unlike the story of Gatsby, much of our own stories today are still unwritten. The story of the American dream that has come to be perverted by the emphasis on wealth and status, can still reformed through a spiritual quest for authenticity and integrity. The faster we can all learn and incorporate the moral lesson from Gatsby's life; the better we will come to understand that the greatest happiness and rapture comes from within.