The American Dream according to the 1970s and Norman MacLean's "A River Runs Through It"

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Again and again, the American Dream changes more rapidly than most decades have a chance to change. The novel, A River Runs Through It, written by Norman MacLean, suggests a cold feeling growing in the 1970s, one that took away from everyone's time to relax in nature, although there are bleak times of pride and joy that almost suggest that times are changing in their entirety (MacLean). Even such rock n' roll bands such as …

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…The American Dream in the 70s was one of peace and relaxation. Today, it is all about having the most money and getting to the top of everything. No one ever considers just sitting down for a minute to take in everything that's occurring in their life. Life is special for a reason. It's just a shame that no one will ever try to figure out that reason like many tried to in the 1970s.