The American Dream (discussion of the problems that arose when trying to reach the American Dream, based on three films, "Citizen Kane", "Grapes of Wrath", and "Death of a Salesman.")

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
If you are an American and if you have a family, a house and a car, a sufficient job with a good salary, you can be said to have reached the American Dream. The idea of the American Dream became popular when millions of people immigrated to America in search of a better life because America was the ideal image of success. At that time, a better life could mean a decent place to live, …

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…and Willy gave up their lives for the artificial happiness that material possessions had, and could not concentrate and put forth any effort to love, and be loved. Lets hope that we as American veer away from becoming the Kane's and Willy's of the world, and really look at what is truly important in our lives. Achieve happiness through love, family, and your own self worth; that is what the American Dream is all about.