The Alchemist

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Pages: 7
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Essay Database > Literature
All our lives images, movies, radio, television, and novels have influenced us, and all have been biased in some manner. Texts are prejudiced by what period they have been made in, a movie made in the 70's would be adversely affected by the Vietnam War. A novel written by an Australian about World War Two would be discriminatory against the Japanese and the Germans among others who were also involved in the conflict but where …

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showed last 75 words of 1985 total
…up is more than enough for a long time, and wealth is the realistic disposition. To conclude Ladies and Gentlemen, Paulo Coelho uses romanticism constantly in his book The Alchemist, to position us to either miss or disapprove of the realist philosophy. Coelho does this by constantly using the supernatural, nature, love in the end, and change to position us and to silence and mask the realist philosophy of wealth, power, survival, planning, and logic.