The "Agricultural Transition"

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Essay Database > History
The agricultural transition took place over a period of more than ten thousand years. It started ten thousand to twelve thousand years ago and created a huge population growth. Different groups in various parts of the world began to produce their own food. This caused the humans to learn the practices of pastoralism and agriculture. These practices allowed humans to manipulate their environment to a greater degree than ever before. Agriculture encouraged closer social ties …

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…hunt, caught fish in nets, and killed birds with sling shots and arrows. Sumerians got their food from nearby marshes and rivers. Thought the climate in Mesopotamia was very hot, they still received enough rainfall for crops. Soon, Mesopotamia became a very rich farming ground. In conclusion, the Agricultural Transition was an extraordianry change that took place over a period of more than 10 thousand years and changed the world in a way that is unimaginable.