The Age of Spiritual Machines, by Ray Kurzweil. This report gives a basic summary of a very technical book on A.I.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
The first five chapters of this book provide the foundation for Ray Kurzweil to issue his predictions later in the book. It includes many theorems of physics and mathematics, so if one is not relatively familiar with them, it is possible to miss these essential principles. Nevertheless, his choice of words delineates some difficult concepts, making this tough but rewarding reading. The first chapter ultimately leads up to the most important principle of the book, …

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…this book goes, "It is difficult to predict, especially the future"; this holds very true. Most people would say that Kurzweil has an overly optimistic view of the future. I would agree in the way that he does not foresee the general nature of the human species, which is that we are not perfect. I would like to experience some of his predictions, but I would be surprised (yet delighted) if anything past 2019 is fulfilled.