The Age of Great Dreams

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Essay Database > History
Material covered in The Age of Great Dreams can be drawn from the title; it covers issues that were at the forefront of the 1960's. The book details American growth after World War 2, civil rights, the Vietnam War, and the organization of students. Unlike other books about the 1960's, Farber does not focus on a single point, but rather, gives a general overview of major events and movements of the 1960's. Farber begins by detailing …

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…another resigned in disgrace. American sons and daughters gave their lives in a conflict that had no importance to the United States while their friends and families cursed them and turned their backs to them. It was the decade of sex, drugs, and rock n' roll as well as the decade of protest, experimentation, and prosperity. Most importantly, it was the decade that we found our collective American voice, it was America in the 1960's.