The Africville Report: An overview of segregation in Canada.

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Essay Database > Literature
Africville, A segregated community of blacks that had been neglected by the governent for almost a century, was relocated and torn apart from the one thing they truly had-each other. Due to the neglect of the government, the Africville residents resented the relocation and did not integrate well with their new communities. Because of the ways the government used in order to actuate them, many of the community members harboured resentment and bitterness at the …

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…still being untangled today. Due to the neglect of the government, the Africville residents resented the relocation and did not integrate well with their new communities. proper communication would have been a key factor in preventing a situation like the relocation of Africville from repeating. Racism will always be bred through ignorance, and with communication comes an equitable view. With the proper respect of each others point of view, civility and equity will be abound.