The Affects of Prime Minister Sir. Robert Menzies and the turn around of Austraila's economy during his stint as prime minister.

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Sir Robert Menzies stint as a prime minister for Australia lasted from 1949 to 1966. During this period Australia experienced such an increase in prosperity that it raises the question: Was Sir Robert Menzies the sole reason why the Australian economy was so successful during the time he spent as Prime Minister or was it due to outs? Australia has been influenced very heavily by America, the high point of this influence was between the 1940's and …

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…had land titles to the land, which acknowledges that Australia was indeed occupied at the time of British settlement. In 1993 the government passes an act allowing Aborigines and Torres Strait Islander to file land claims. Bibliography; Encarta Encyclopedia Approaching Australia, Papers from the Harvard Australian Studies Symposium Copyright 1997 The Oxford History of Australia Volume 5, 1942-1988, By Geoffrey Boston; Copyright 1990 New History Edited by: G. Osborne and W.F. Mandle, Copyright 1977 Australia, By John Richard Copyright 1988