The Affect on Free Will of A Clockwork Orange's 21st Chapter

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When I began my research for this essay, I had every intention on the slang words used in A Clockwork Orange. "The main sources for these additional terms are Russian. Although there are also contributions from, Gypsy, French, Cockney/English slang and other miscellaneous sources such as Malay and Dutch and his own imagination" (Vaccari). As intriguing as this was to me, I couldn't help but to stray from my intended topic. You see, I …

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…York: W.W. Norton, 1986. Davis, Todd F. and Womack, Kenneth. "O My Brothers: Reading the Anti-Ethics of the <Tab/>Pseudo-Family in Anthony Burgess's A Clockwork Orange." College Literature 29.2 (Spring 2002): 19-36 Hughes, Rachel. " A Clockwork Orange (Book Review)" Student BMJ 9 (2000): 473 Ingersol, Earl. "Burgess' A Clockwork Orange" Explicator 45.1 (Fall 1986): 60-63 Vaccari, Mattia. Nadsat Dictionary 3 Feb. 2004. <Tab/><>