The Affect of Revolutionary Political Ideas and Conditions on Modern World History from World War I to the 1970s.

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Essay Database > History > World History
Modern World History Exam Question: Why and how did revolutionary political conditions exercise such a powerful influence over world history in the period from roughly World War I until the early 1970s? Throughout history, revolutions have shaped countries into their present forms. As the world became more interconnected, these changes have affected all countries not just those that were changed through rebellion. Revolution is a very powerful political maneuver; it is a complete change in …

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…drastic changes in other countries. At the time of the war, many people had not even heard of Vietnam, nor knew where it was located. However, many men died in what was deemed by most to be a costly mistake; giving the United States an image of something like an "evil oppressor" to others. And the fact that the image lasts to this day shows that revolutions can have a large effect on other countries.