The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
I. Introduction A. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, by Mark Twain B. This type of book is realistic fiction. C. The main character is Thomas Sawyer, a twelve year old boy, whose parents are dead. Tom lives with his aunt, Polly. Tom is busy either making trouble or thinking up new schemes. Another character is Huckelberry Finn, hated by all mothers and loved by all children. Tom is friends with Huck and they share many …

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…breeze. 3. clandestinely - adverb, secretly. 4. conflagration - noun, a great destructive fire. 5. vivacity - noun, liveliness and animation. VII. 1. At the beginning of the book I would agree with Twain's description of the story as a "hymn to boyhood". The book warmly tells the story of childhood, especially boyhood. Although as the book progresses we see more and more of Tom as a boy becoming a man, maturing as all boys eventually do. Bibliography none