The Ace of Diamonds, Master of Big Jingles and The Paper Parcel are three New Zealand short stories written by New Zealander Owen Marshall

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The Ace of Diamonds, Master of Big Jingles and The Paper Parcel are three New Zealand short stories written by New Zealander Owen Marshall. In these short stories the events that unfold around the boys contribute effectively, as they highlight what happens to the young boys when growing up. Through these events the ideas; the power of imagination, fragility of friendship, loss of innocence and the influence of adult society upon them, are seen. One …

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…ill loves his family and that he has truly found inner beauty. The red roses are significant to this scene as they symbolise the beauty in Lester's death which therefore highlights that Lester's character has developed. Therefore in the film American Beauty by Sam Mendes, the opening and closing sequences were effective. They were effective as they showed the development of characters through significant events, and through the foreshadowing and highlighting important events and characters.