The 7 Deadly Sins in Management

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Management
People are born with the seven deadly sins; pride, lust, gluttony, sloth, envy, anger and greed. There is a dark side in everyone just waiting to be explored. I am sure that somewhere in our lifetime we will or already have encountered these deadly sins. When this time comes it would be very hard for us to fight the temptation. There have been cases of laziness, pleasure-seeker, immoral, and good-for-nothing persons. But for ages, human …

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…power triggers the CEOs ravenousness. It turns on their ego and makes them think of ways to use this as a tool to get what they want. Wrapping up, the thirst for power and the prevailing fear are the things that worsen our world. It tears up our society and brings out other people's sins which create a bigger confusion. Let me end by citing what Peter Parker said, "With great Power comes great Responsibility."