The 2nd American revoultion; the civil war

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The civil war has often been called "The second American Revolution," primary because many Americans actually thought they were once again fighting for their freedom and rights. While this is true, the Civil War itself was revolutionary. It was revolutionary in the political, social and economic conduct of the war. Each Revolutionary conduct of the war impacted America then and some still impact the world today. Politically specking The Civil War brought about new ways …

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…social, and economic conduct of the war. Some of the Conduct left America for the worse or a crisis. Some of the Conducts like the war bond will be used again and again though out all of American wars. In addition, some of the conducts affected America for the better but won't be used again in American History. Nevertheless, The Civil War with all the different types of conduct of the war truly affected America.