The 25-hour Day.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Management
Ever wonder why people carry schedulers with them? Stylishly bound, this chic thing is normally linked to people who are believed to lead a busy daily life. Earlier only executives were thought to have a busy daily schedule, and thus they self-righteously claimed title to schedulers. But nowadays schedulers have become an "in" thing for people from virtually all walks of life. In fact, carrying a scheduler around makes it easy for even the ordinary …

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…Of course, initially things may not run as smoothly as you wish. But don't get discouraged. The idea is not to blindly bind yourself strictly to a pre-programmed schedule. That is not the point. The aim of programming your daily life is to allow you to loosely incorporate all aspects of living--work, play and rest--so that you emerge as a saner, healthier and more likeable person. That is a goal worth aspiring for, isn't it?