The 2004 Democratic Presidential Candidates

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Essay Database > Law & Government
"The world's oldest republic has demonstrated the youthful vitality of its institutions and the ability and the necessity to come together ... after a hard-fought campaign. The clash of partisan political ideas does remain just that - to be quickly followed by a peaceful transfer of authority." The preceding statement was proclaimed by the former U.S. President Gerald Ford merely two days after the divisive, yet nonviolent outcome of the 2000 presidential election between Al Gore …

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…the election process and only a delicate majority of the eligible population voted for their next president. This time around people will not just sit back and let the right to vote and influence public policies pass them by. Instead, people will expunge their apathy, go to the polls, and elect the best man for the job, because this time around the general population is aware of something they never knew before. Every vote counts.