The 1968 Olympics

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
The 1968 Olympics- the 19th Olympiad was said to have been the highest and most controversial games ever to be held. Held in Mexico City, Mexico, it was the first Olympiad to be held in Latin America. Because of the elevation in Mexico City of 7,349 feet above sea level, the thin air helped many old records to be broken. The year 1968 itself was a different year. The Vietnam War was under way and social leader Martin …

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…of youth, contested passionately, on an equal footing with amazingly little friction for the greatest honor in sport, at the same time sharing a friendly camaraderie, with everything provided for their comfort, in the Olympic Village. Fair and honest competition on the athletic field, no matter how strenuous, brings mutual respect, not enmity or hate. The spontaneous demonstration of international good will during the emotion-charged closing ceremony left hardly a dry eye in the stadium".